Saturday, June 6, 2009

Got Beer?

You might be wondering what’s up.  Well, Seattle City Council President, Richard Conlin’s, reelection campaign Kick-Off BBQ on June 4th was a resounding success, drawing about 350 guests. The standing-room only crowd was testimony to the respect Seattleites have for the leadership he’s demonstrated over the last 12 years on the environment; transit, pedestrian, bicycle issues; and community-building.  BTW, have I mentioned I was a policy advisor for Richard for six years and am now his campaign manager?

Also, the pair of swallows that made a nest on our porch last year, despite our 2 cats and 2 water pistol-wielding sons, returned last month and Momma laid three eggs last week.

Regarding beer, the first batch (see blog post on May 23) had some kinks but is still delicious and ripening in one of the 30-barrel fermentation tanks.  Matt brewed a second run on Friday, May 29 which will debut at the Fremont 5k and Briefcase Relay on June 12th.  NOTE: this will not be the Universale Pale.  Rather, it’s the second run on a brand-new (to us) system and Matt is still tweaking the process and recipe of our future flagship brew.  I’d say one more batch and he’ll have it nailed.

We’ve got 200 growlers, 600 pint glasses, 130 limited-run commemorative T-shirts (also in cute women’s cut, thank you) and significant obstacles to overcome on the retail side such as, but not limited to:

      1)    We have no cash register, credit-card thingy or door into the retail space (but there is a                big hole in the wall on Woodland Park Ave. where the door will go).

2)    We need to beef up the stairs leading to the tasting room (with the future best view in Fremont).  This is not a big job but we have no time.

3)    We need to acquire some stools and install the 10” wide, Douglas fir, former Ballard High bleacher boards which will serve as the temporary bar looking out onto the afore-mentioned view.

4)    And I want to punch 3 holes into the south wall of the space for big, openable windows in order to expand the view onto the ship canal, Aurora Bridge and Olympics.  This is a big job. It will require some structural work and electrical re-routing, subsidized in part by the Fremont Dock Company. Thanks, Mike and Suzie.

Matt and his crew are consumed with production yet we’re both scrambling to create the space to enjoy our product as beer season settles over Seattle.  So bear with us, donate a cash box, and sample our evolving blend at the upcoming Fremont 5k and Art Car Blow-Out – both sponsored by Fremont Brewing Company.



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