The big news is that although we’ve been on tap for about 3 weeks at (by now) over 25 watering holes, we’re finally doing a media event at the LATONA PUB next MONDAY, AUGUST 17 to celebrate our “opening.” Matt will be there to talk about Universale Pale and our experience launching a small, sustainable business during a severe economic downturn.
Why there? Why now? Because Matt has lived in Green Lake off and on during most of his time in Seattle, including the last nine years in our current home, and is thus a dedicated Latona patron. Because the Latona is famous for serving high-quality craft beer and nurturing the region’s microbrewery scene. Because the Latona was the first place to tell Matt they’d put his beer on tap if he ever got this thing off the ground. That covers the “there.” As for the “now,” because the promised tap opened up. Because it could have been sooner but I needed some time to get a news advisory out in hope of attracting media attention. Because the Latona turns 22 years old at midnight on the 17th. Because there’s no time like the present.
To witness the symbolic tapping of Universale at the Latona Pub, BE THERE BY 7:00 PM and stick around until midnight to sing “Happy Birthday” to one of the city’s best.
Acting on a tip from a volunteer, Matt talked his way into being one of three beers on tap at the Seattle Boat Show last weekend. They hadn’t planned on 3 but upon tasting Universale, they threw us on and ran through an unexpectedly high number of kegs. That exposure led to several requests for kegs o’ Universale at upcoming events and parties.
By the way, they’re draining our kegs fast at Leny’s Tavern (2219 N 56th St), another fine Green Lake bar (or Wallingford, depending on which Chamber of Commerce you’re talking to).
If you vote, remember to mail in your ballot by 8:00 pm on August 18th! I’m voting YES on Referendum 1.