We're approaching the anniversary of a MAJOR MILESTONE in our history. The Fremont 5k & Briefcase Relay is next Friday, June 11 and we’re serving the beer. That event, ONE YEAR AGO, was the first time we ever served our beer to the public. I think we called it “Test Batch, Universale” or something like that because we hadn’t worked out all the kinks of our production process (remember that, Kemp?). And if you were there as a runner or just a partier, you’ll remember we hadn’t worked any of the kinks out of our serving system. We didn’t bring a cash box for change (and I was slow on the ol’ subtraction – change for 2 beers from a twenty is um, wait a minute…), we hadn’t decided who would pour, serve, and take money, etc. The lines got long but it was sunny, the beer tasted OK, and people were happy enough that we were invited back this year.
I get a little misty-eyed thinking about that day a year ago – how totally psyched we were to make our debut and how much has transpired in our business since then. We owe much to the enthusiastic and forgiving Fremont community for our continued success and all the fun we’ve had. So cheers to the fact that we’re still here together and promise: the beer garden at the run will be run by true pros who’ve got beer-making and counting down pat.
Enjoy these photos from the vault. They include current server/investor Kemp Hiatt, Matt Lincecum, and yours truly, Sara Nelson.